“Non-Surgical” Spinal Decompression

DTS Low Back Spinal Decompression

I am truly pleased to bring this new revolutionary treatment to our Red Bluff, Ca community.  Until now,  anyone seeking this innovative therapy has had to travel long distances.

Many of my patients have already experienced tremendous relief from chronic low back and leg pain in a very short time.  Others have obtained decreased neck and arm pain.Some of these patients had “tried everything,” or so they thought!

If you, a friend, or family member are experiencing chronic pain symptoms that “nothing has helped,” I am offering aFREE” DVD to see if Spinal Decompression is for you.  

Just call my office, (530)527-1774 and ask for your “Free” DVD, or  simply Fill Out your information here .

Your “Free” DVD will be on it’s way to your door.

Life is too short to live in pain. Do it Now!

Wishing You Health & Happiness,

Dr. David Cox, DC


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